September 15, 2017, 10:21pm
As a recent survey on this forum has shown, there are two dominant ways to invest:
Irish ETFs at Corner Trader in CHF
American ETFs at Interactive Brokers in USD
I have opted for the first option almost a year ago. Now I would like to use this thread to sum up and evaluate if it’s worth to switch.
Sending money
At CT it’s easy. How is it at IB? Are there no problems in sending large amounts to USA? Are transaction costs easy to predict? What about sending money back from USA?
Currency excha…
Dear all,
I tried to convince myself end of last year to go for IB (see here ) but in the end I was scared off by the GUI. I ended up with CornerTrader which is fine so far. But recently this great community nailed down [link] how much cheaper it is if you go with IB. So, here is my second attempt documented, hoping to hel out all those shy mustachians in a similar situation!
=> I remember having huge difficulties in navigating the IB GUI or doing actions when I don’t have the feeling I underst…
and after that, ask again what you need