How to invest for children?

Assuming that i sponsor them to live in CH, which is a big assumption…

To all those who have one family account to invest for their kids:
How do you keep track of what belongs to whom? Is there the possibility to have multiple portfolios? I’m imagining Porfolios: “Kid A”, “Kid B”, “Retirement”, … how do you solve this practically?

We transfer 200 CHF per kid per month to their own bank accounts and then invest it in June and Dec. i keep track of all purchases for the kids in xls (name of fund, # of shares added and buy price). Then i also enter that data into a Yahoo Finance portfolio for each child in order to track performance separately. I would be keen to know of any better online portfolio trackers as i’ve been using Yahoo Finance for years and probably something is better.

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You should consider changing to Google Sheets together with the function googlefinance(VT) or similar.
You cud then prob ditch Excel and Yahoo.
There’s probably templates around, but it’s easy (and more flexible) to do one yourself.

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I was using Bloomberg but I think they only tracked prices not total return. Performances were nowhere near what IB stated in the portfolio.

Check here for one example: Macos software to follow up with your investments?

Geez, all that nonsense for what? Barring bankruptcy case, for most practical purposes their wealth *is* your wealth until they’re 18 and gifts to kids are tax free in most of Switzerland. Ergo, maximizing your personal wealth is equivalent to maximizing what you leave them…


My parents did something similar (but they did not invest the money and instead put it on a bank account). Last year I cashed that in and put it into my IB portfolio. Now 15000EUR are nice but hardly life changing. So I will probably not do the same for my kids.

I think the best thing you can do for your kids financially is teach them the way of acquiring “marketable” skills and not let them study some random thing because they do not know what to do after school.


When I was born, my grandma opened a “savings booklet” at the bank, and then, annually, they put down the interest in this booklet. We had this hyperinflation in the early 90s and after many years, this money was worth something like 30 CHF. A lot of trouble for nothing :slight_smile: It looked something like this:



I could not figure out how to add shares on the Swiss exchange. Have been searching for a solution.

I spend less time doing this than you waste insulting people on this forum in what seems like almost a daily habit for you!

Here’s a Novartis on SIX example:

You basically need to prefix with a stock exchange, if needed.

Thanks. Spent a lot of time on this last night but with XSWX it does not work. For example, how would you write VWRL on the swiss exchange? I cannot get SWX:VWRD or XSWX:VWRL to work.

In Yahoo Finance, the market is added as a suffix and separated by a dot.
Example: VWRL.SW

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If u look up a stock on google finance, next to the graph is the full “name”/abbreviation, like SWX:NOVN etc.
That way u can find the exact abbreviation u need, esp. for tricky ones like an index.
Sometimes they change indice abbreviations for (to me) unknown reasons (randomly, once a year or less), like S&P 500 a few weeks ago, then the link doesn’t work any more. On google finance u can find the “new” correct abbreviation easily tho.


U were close :wink::blush:


thanks. i mistyped the D above but was actually using L. So VWRL now works but it does not seem to work for all Swiss ones such as SWX:HEAL or SWX:EQQQ. Would you happen to know why? thanks!

all figured out now - thanks again!

Well, when you spin it this way, you’re right, time spent/learning ratio for me has been pretty low from this forum. There’s only so much personal finance topics to discuss before you start repeating same old sh*t and they aren’t doing anything for me in my quest for a 7 fig quant job. Gonna find a more information-dense place from now on.

As for some insults, well, that’s finance for you, you either develop a healthy protective coat of skepticism and cynicism or get f*cked by this industry like you did with that kiddy fund idea of yours.

That would be a huge loss for this forum. But in any case, if you do find some place like that, please let me know. Where did you get your information from until now, anyway?