After directly donating in crypto last year, I was looking into buying Ukraine government bonds. Since the estimated loss (additonal taxes, chance of debt restructuring, chance of defeat, etc.) can equal the intended donation, I can provide a lot more in temporary liquidity.
By googling, I found a website of the Ukraine government that lists Ukrainian brokers offering such investment:
The website states that “even citizens or entrepreneurs of any country can invest in the same way as Ukrainian citizens or enterpreneurs”. But after writing to a handfull or the most promising candidates, I was rejected by all. Reasons ranging from needing an Ukrainian bank account, over not offering services to non-residents, to services still being in development.
But finally some months ago, ICU contacted me again, claiming that their service was ready. I must have been their first customer because their signup was still bugged. After working through multiple bugs with customer support (which they fixed in one or two days), I could open an account and send money. This required having a EUR (or USD) account. I used an account at Wise, which is good enough, I hope.
I then bought some bonds in UAH on the secondary market with market orders (the only option). The yield is between 16% and 20%. I am now waiting to see how coupons, principal repayment, and withdrawal work out.
tl;dr: Buying Ukraine government bonds works now.