GameStop short squeeze

Chamath just joined the party


boss music starts playing

I had to google who he is but holy shit this is getting interesting. He even posted the position in true WSB fashion. :smiley:


200+, bois!


I’m tempted to join those WSB autists and drop some 10k on 220$ calls for friday. The fomo is real…

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Here comes Elon igniting the :rocket::rocket::rocket:

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I joined yesterday to support the good cause. :grin: (Not with 10k of course)

I don’t care if it falls to 0, just love to watch this chaos (and see the big boys “burn”).


A chart including the after hours (so far):


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lots of shorts are going to bleed:

AMC +50%
BBBY +45%
SPCE 16%

I guess I have to go straight for the 420$ calls…


Tho there’s lots of big boys making money :slight_smile: at least all the market makers (and RH).

Right now the max strike is $200. The stock went $230 after hours. Every single option is in the money. Again. The previous time it happened the max strike was $60 and they had to open new ones.

Friday will be the expiration date for a lot of options. Closing them will be violent. Tomorrow might already bring another gamma squeeze.


At some point some of the shorts will win big, right? Or the idea is that it’s like tesla and valuation is no longer a thing that matters?

Given how much it’s in mainstream media I wonder how much the latest flood of investor will hold when they start losing money.

Some of the new ones who manage to short close to the top, wherever that may be, will profit. I wouldn’t have the balls to try that. To quote the WSB crowd:

”The market can stay retarded longer than you can stay solvent.”


“Valuation”? What’s that?


Think I should divert my attention from mustachianpost to wall street bets. :thinking:
That subreddit is surely the most deeply profound - yet funniest - thing I’ve read in a long time.

And it’s probably a better bet at getting rich quick (and then stick it to all those blue-piller Mustachians, and their debates on which of their boring index funds is returning a fraction of a percent more).



Let’s merge MP into WSB. Way more fun than boring frugality and ETFs, right :smiley:

R/mustachianbets is coming.

For the story, the guy who initiated this back in September 2019 turned $50k to $22m…he made $9m today. This is black magic.


What are your positions btw? Some mentioned they are holding some options? Still holding?

I am holding 460 shares at average of 45 (and thought I had missed the train already). Sold some yesterday after close to get my initial investment back, from now on its to off to Valhalla or wherever we are going.

Or maybe there will be a solid dip to buy back in today… :sweat_smile:
GME $1000 :rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket:

Premarket FOMO

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I have 100 shares at 36 but they are blocked by a covered call I sold earlier this month. :sob: I’m debating myself whether I can and should buy back the call or not. It was worth almost 10k yesterday at close (55 strike).

On top of that I have 40 available shares averaging $67 and I’m beginning to unwind them. I’ve made a couple of different exit strategies but looking at the premarket I need to readjust my plan again.