GameStop short squeeze

So… that was an interesting ride.
I made a small trading profit before transaction costs.

…and a loss after transaction costs. I am not even going to tell you how much in fees I eventually paid for this small trading roundtrip (you’d probably excommunicate me from this Mustachian forum if you knew).

Learned one important lesson though: Which broker / bank bullshitted me me the least and just reliably worked - and which I’d trust most when things get rough. Well, once I surpass 5 figures with my account. It clearly isn’t IBKR.

There is one, clearly laid out by the ESTV that defines a non-professional trader.
What they don’t give you: A template to optimise and minimise your taxes accordingly.
People can get “creative” in structuring things.

A very similar thing exists here in Switzerland with the 3A accounts.
The available products to trade are just a bit too limited and (often but decliningly) expensive.


Sounds like you did some really active trading. Considering that we approve ”degenerates” in this thread I don’t think anyone would disapprove anything - especially if a lesson was learned. IB worked reliably for me but I really dislike their trading restrictions and the founder’s terrible interview.

So would I with those kind of gains. As I’ve already said somewhere else, I’d rather pay 10% of 100k than 0% of 10k. The status isn’t forever and least then you know what to expect and can plan accordingly. It also opens the door to deducting losses.


Quite the contrary. :wink: Bought 2 shares on Thursday. Accounts fully funded, no margin.

It’s just that the only bank that would let me do it that day happened to be the most expensive (EU high street bank). When other popular brokers had imposed restrictions (such as outright prohibiting buy transactions).

… same here! My most important take-away is regarding IBKR as well! Yet I’m not sure how I’m going to proceed with them (20% of my NW). I am not fully convinced that their risk management is in good order - otherwise there would have been no need to take such drastic measures!

And for the fun stuff: I keep my 10 shares - even if they are going to zero, I face a loss of the (IBKR) fees the most - I gambled my AMC and NOK gains (that would not have been there in the first place). The last few days I was very well entertained and it was well worth the risk and the little (not yet realized) loss/gains!



… and who is in for an new forum category? “mustachianbets” (credits to the suggestion above!)

e.g. for small value- or option plays!? (We’re hopefully not going to see any yolo plays :wink: )


Could you provide details on that?
I only know Kreisschreiben Nr. 36 and it states when you aren’t a professional trader, but it also states even if you don’t fulfill every criteria they can still classify you as professional.
So for example here somebody had GME stocks for less than 6 month and made 130k profit. Professional or not?
I agree if I fulfill every criteria I can be sure I won’t be classified as a professional trader, but if I don’t fulfill every criteria I’m not able to tell.

Sorry but that’s not clearly laid out for me.
“Frequency of transactions” sounds subjective to me. Why not more than x transactions per year?

I’m not going to argue here and I admit I don’t know a lot about this classification. Please just tell me I’m wrong and its crystal clear that nobody of us poor mustachians is a professional trader. :slight_smile:

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13 posts were split to a new topic: How to disclose stocks positions to tax authorities

Some newcomers seem a bit lost with the game (buy, watch the price not exploding higher) :



It is a bit sad to see the standstill at wsb, somehow the sub is not being able to move to the next play?
I wonder if it will eventually return to its former state and become a diversely voiced platform for different trades again.

I guess they experienced their eternal September. The original wall street bros who were hanging out there got crowded out.

You are right, maybe one could resort to the somewhat neighbouring r/thetagang and the likes. But then again it won’t be a fully fledged replacement. Any other sub recommendations, while we are at it? (everything that is not r/investing :wink:)

… I guess, we won’t see /wsb as we know it from before. See the screenshot of a (now deleted) post from a /wsb (now removed) mod:

… goodbye old /wsb :disappointed_relieved:

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A bit small, do you have a bigger screenshot?

sorry, I just linked the source. Another try:

edit: link to image

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It saddens me to imagine how many ppl lost their money (or loans even) buying into a peaking GME. Money, which they actually would need now or cant easily make up again.

It was all fun and play as long as it was degenerates and everyone knew that it was all a casino. This took a turn to the worse.


This was always going to happen wasn‘t it?


Agree, from the outside it was clear that it was transitioning quickly from an entertaining short squeeze to a pump and dump…I had to dissuade a couple of colleagues with no financial experience whatsoever from buying it when it was at 300…
It turns out that the bad guys were not necessarily the short sellers…


It’s all fun and games and sticking it to the man while you are making money.
The moment you start to lose 20, 40, 60% of what you invested it’s no longer fun.

I saw this delusion happen in the dogecoin sub reddit when the price feel from 8 cents to 2-3 cents.
Everyone was saying that this isn’t over and blablabla.
In the end, I think this has a negative effect in the market. First time investors that got on DeGiro/Trading212/Robinhood for the first time and bought AMC/GameStop will probably be away from the markets for a long time. Or they will continue to chase pump and dump schemes until they lose all their money.

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:sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:


This is the way to play this game: Schweizer kann sich dank Gamestop-Millionen-Gewinn Haus kaufen - Blick