Fundsmith in VIAC?

In theory, how much % of your 3a could you legally invest with Fundsmith? I shamefully have to admit I still didn’t start with the pillar 3a. I’m always reluctant to complicating my life and locking myself in, even if in theory it could save me money. Fundsmith in 3a would be nice, but I guess you couldn’t go all in on it?

I guess many of you already started investing with VIAC, right? Does the web interface work? Are you satisfied with it? Is it growing at a healthy pace? Does anybody have their last numbers? (clients / AUM)

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The web interface works well I’d say, even though I don’t really need to use it ever since setting up in the begining, and downloading the tax forms at the end of the year. But I think it’s more convenient to set up a custom portfolio on the web than on the small phone screen. I’ve been changing strategies a bit to experiment around…

I started early 2019, so thanks to Corona it’s basically trying to catch up again to where it started :sweat_smile:.
I’ve tried setting a custom strategy similar to what some have suggested in the VIAC thread (picking the lowest-cost funds, SPI instead of SMI etc.), but it’s done a bit worse than the more expensive Global 100 so far. Most likely due to much more small caps and EM in the custom strategy.
In the beginning of the year I set up one portfolio with real estate only as an experiment (high costs here!), and that one is actually doing better than the others since it didn’t crash as hard during corona.

This reminds me that I should probably go in to review these strategies and settle on something I won’t have to touch for a long time.


25k clients with 380 million in asssts, growing fast. I guess as soon as they offer the 2nd pillar solution their AUM will explode. Now we are talking about 15k/client, can’t imagine how they will grow with 2nd pillar accounts that usually have a couple of 100k! Wouldn’t be surprised if they have a couple of billions AUM by the end of this year. This will only improve their costs and hopefully reduce all fees for us.

Web interface is great for setting up everything and the app is great too.


I’ve moved my existing pillar 3a account to VIAC last year and am very happy, be it with the App or the webinterface. Went for the Global 100 strategy, as I don’t like to fiddle around too much. VIAC works well for me and it’s all in all very good user interface.

It feels to me as if I’m set for the long run with VIAC for my pillar 3a.

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Yes, I would do that, too.

And now that there’s competition, I wonder if some of the fees will go down.

(And those frankly ads are everywhere, at least for me)

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Yes, Frankly is all over my facebook.

Anybody tried to open up a UK account with Fundsmith via Revolut?

I mean, I finally do have a UK account with number and sort code, and Revolut’s cards are debit, so in theory it should work?

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