Found the video frustrating to try to understand and not illuminating.
It makes a couple of loose points (social media bad, culture wars bad, helicopter parents bad, capitalism jobs bad, lack of meaning in life bad, etc.) and is interjected by the authors weird viewpoints (“Hippiesm is a Dumb, Sexualized, Africanized, Early Christian Monastic Community” ).
I’m sure some of the points raised are valid, but I’d bet there are other presentations of the points with more solution-oriented actions that we could share.
I saw already a few of his videos and they are all around 30 mins long, with many charts and on-screen comments. Yes, it’s a bit rambling, a bit chaotic, but he’s raising some points, citing some historic events which might give a clue regarding the future. I think history can provide a lot of insight into the future of geopolitics and economics.
The guy tells he what he thinks and why, and since he has big knowledge, I find it interesting.
“Although an abundance of discretionary time spent on solo and nonproductive activities did produce a negative effect on subjective wellbeing, discretionary time spent on activities that were social or productive did not"
“We found that having too much time was associated with lower subjective wellbeing due to a lacking sense of productivity and purpose.”
Among the ancient philosophies I prefer Epicureanism over Stoicism. I find it more relaxed and easygoing than Stoicism.
I agree with you that philosophy can be very inspiring. Many smart people have thought about the same things as we are, and have come to very enlightening conclusions.
I found this quote of Epicurus very inspiring and mustachian:
For it is not drinking bouts and continuous partying and enjoying women, or consuming fish and the other dainties of an extravagant table, which produce the pleasant life, but sober calculation which searches out the reasons for every choice and avoidance and drives out the opinions which are the source of the greatest turmoil for men’s souls.
Limit hedonistic consumption, soberly calculate reasons for your choices, and ignore opinions of others. Great idea.
I’d add: be especially wary of harmful addiction. Not only drugs, cigs and alcohol, but also sugar, fast food, playing games, watching tv, swiping on the smartphone. I know, someone will say: you gotta fill your time somehow. But if you mostly do these things, that’s how, I imagine, depression can appear.
Yeah, I think dopamine-driven screens addiction is a big one. I personally continuously struggle to limit my screen consumption and it’s not easy. I’ve tried already a lot of different things, including app which blocks for me half of the Internet for most of the day. But I think I have to get more radical and more creative to fight these life-energy-drainers.
Yes, I’m no saint either. My life’s not perfect, I often find myself just stuck waiting and I can’t just relax with my thoughts, I get bored, I need my phone (haha, like now). What I do is that I disabled notifications for everything except email, calls and whatsapp. The next step would be to delete facebook or twitter, but I’m not there yet.
I never did take anything to the toilet and find it disgusting and also don’t see the point. 1-2 minutes on the throne, I can live without internet access for that long…
Sure can. Information makes you think you have a hedge at the game of life, which is true, but there’s so much information around that it’s very easy to gather useless information and still have the dopamine rush reward from your body.
I’m addicted to Youtube (not Wikipedia, because videos are more fun).
Ben Felix, BioArk, ColdFusion, CrashCourse, Emergency Awesome, Everyday Astronaut, Gamers Nexus, Geography Now, Isaac Arthur, Joe Scott, Kurzgesagt, Linus Tech Tips, Marcus House, MedLife Crisis, NASASpaceflight, PBS Eons, PBS Space Time, Practical Engineering, Primal Space, Real Engineering, RealLifeLore, SciShow, SciShow Space, Scott Manley, Seeker, SmarterEveryDay, spaceXcentric, Tom Scott, Veritasium, Vsauce and What about it !?
Those are my favourite channels. Whenever I’m bored, I try to spend time on those videos instead of doing something useless.
Me too. I basically finish work at 16-17 and then I lie down on the sofa, fire up apple tv and watch youtube for hours (I just facepalm on people watching stuff on laptop/smartphone/ tablet, I need a big tv). Some channels (also mentioned by you) seem too “fast-food” style to me (real life lore), or just don’t offer any applicable knowledge (pbs space time).
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