ETF Investing - Confused - IRELAND, US?

As long as you go for a Qualified Intermediary (in IRS sense) non-swiss broker, sign W8-BEN for the broker, and buy a US-domiciled fund, the broker will withheld only 15% from its dividend distribution payments. Yes, you can get this money reimbursed by filing DA-1 form with your swiss tax declaration. Beware of some limitations, like minimum 50 Fr reimbursement to make use of DA-1.

With this scheme, you won’t lose any money along the way on dividend payments from US companies. But you’ll still incur some losses on dividends from non-US companies in the fund, but these are relatively minor and much less worthy to optimize for in my opinion

I supposed you’re talking about US estate tax - there’s enough discussion about it in another thread: The $60'000 cap for US investments - #17 by nugget

It’s mainly a concern only for your next of kin if you die before you manage to sell your US funds, and the tax free limit is actually much higher than $60k for swiss residents.