Discussing a marriage contract with your partner, recipe for disaster?

Thanks for the answers so far.

Yes, currently I‘m paying for 65% of all our joint expenses like apartment, food, internet, insurances etc. I don‘t know any couple which does this. All my colleages at the bank do a 50/50 split of joint expenses. So I think I‘m being extremely fair to her as she already profits from my higher income. Of course, if I would earn 180k and she would still earn 60k, I would cover 75% of our joint expenses.

But am I not entitled to a higher net worth even in marriage? She just went to school, had average grades in Sek E and works as a naildesigner today. You know my personal story (I shared it in a thread where I asked if I underachieved in life). It was a tough ride to get where I am today. I work hard everyday to achieve more and more. I‘m very focused and determined. I know that I‘ll eventually earn something close to 200k if I keep going like that. And it was all my hard work. Is her giving up on her 60k job to rise a family with 2 kids really equivalent to that in terms of money? She won‘t give up any career and it‘s very likely that she won‘t ever earn more than that anyway.

I‘m also ready to quantify the additional stress and work that comes from rising kids. Because it‘s not a 42h/week job. Lets say that‘s worth another 20k. So her lost income of 60k (if she really would stop working) combined with the 20k would be 80k. I‘m still earning way more than that. So it wouldn‘t be fair to split the net worth 50/50 in a divorce? She would even make a great deal with the proposed 2/3 1/3 split as she would get 50% of my 1st/2nd pillar on top of that?