Degiro discussion

Yep, time to say good bye now even for the junior depot. :wink:

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Yes, I’m fed up with it too - not even the costs itself - I don’t have that many transactions - but the way they keep doing this. Boiling the frog.

Still looking for a usable buy-and-hold broker in EU to diversify a bit though.

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Apparently @San_Francisco has tried out some German brokers.
I am not sure what would be the best solution at the moment. Smartbroker? Flatex?


People earning 6-digits salaries complaining about a CHF 1 fee. I don‘t know if this thread is satire.


Yes and I keep wondering if FlatexDegiro has a cunning plan to kill Degiro after it’s acquisition :laughing:

The problem is the same as Swissquote adding stealth fees like the 0.3% custody fees above 1 mill, or when Degiro increased the forex fees by 150%: Where is the higher quality in service to compensate for these fees? Why is IBKR lowering their fees constantly while Degiro just can’t go a year without price hikes? Like someone said above, this is clearly the “boiling the frog” strategy where they keep trying to see what the can get away with.

  • It’s the third increase in fees since December 2021
  • Depending on the transaction amount, 1 CHF (on top of the other fees) can be substantial

Others complain that at the age of 32, with an income 50% above the median, they have underachieved

A thing I hated from the beginning was that Degiro charged for paying me dividends.

I’m not complaining about their fees. I’ m complaining about their unpredictable behaviour and constant changes, which is not something that I like from a broker in particular. Although you could say that price increases might have become something predictable, now that I think of it.

I just don’t like to have to read the fine print every few months to figure out where they hid new costs this time.


Degiro saying the updated FREE ETF list is due to KID issue they had so maybe they will replace VWCE there

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That doesnt necessarilyhave to be a bad thing. A lot of ETFs on that list were, as far as I recall the last time I checked, quite trashy.

For what it’s worth: I was able to buy VWCE @ Degiro at the beginning of this month. A German KID was available in the documents section.

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I’d admire their pragmatism, were it not for their dilettantism. I mean
 fulfilling their legal duties in offering the product with something crowdsourced from their own customers?


Well certainly some crowd members are pretty good with Indesign and Deepl
 but jokes aside, yes, that is a whole new level of professionalism.

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Don’t hold your breath.

Some brokers in Czechia seem to have them translated to the Czech language for their customers. And someone apprently provided Degiro with the link. Degiro though replied that they “can only accept links from issuer’s website not from another broker.”

Also, they are supposedly “working with ETF vendors” on getting such documents.

(So why would they enlist their clients those KIID documents at vendors’ sites themselves?)

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Maybe my sarcasm got lost a bit, but yes, it seems they know what they have to do, but find a lot of excuses to postpone doing it.

Currently I use Neon as my main account for CHF and Revolut for EUR, the problem is that I have some euros left (about 1k) on my old Degiro account that I wish to withdraw, but Degiro does not accept Revolut.

I saw that Yuh does offer an EUR account for free, so I’m wondering if it’s worth opening an account with them to get the money out, or if it would also be rejected by Degiro.

Anyone knows, or any general advice?

Thanks in advance!

What does that mean - they refuse to transfer your money to institutions they don’t like, even those authorized by the ECB?

With Revolut, you do not have your own IBAN in your own name. You do not transfer the money to a bank account in your name, but to an institution (Revolut), which then books the money for you. That’s something Degiro (and others) doesn’t like.

Please note that we can’t link a bank account if it’s held at a financial institution that uses an omnibus account to hold your funds, such as Wise or Revolut.

Spontaneously I would say it should work.

Actually you have a personal EUR account with Revolut, but Degiro might still reject it for whatever reason.


Oh, so the transfer via a third-party bank is only a thing for CHF. Another lesson learned.

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