Current mortgage rates and conditions

One may also use the 3A to repay a mortgage at any time so you are not bound to using it only at inception. Also pledging your accounts (which counts as core funds) allows you to increase the size of the mortgage while keeping your money invested and benifiting from the interest tax deductions all together.

Thank you very much for all of your answers.

Is it correct that with a indirect amortization, the bank checks after 15 years how much is the apartment worth and take in your 3rd pillar the necessary amount to have the remaining 67% ?


I believe that if you have it in other source you can decide whether is the pillar 3 or other source.
But yes, there is a rule to have paid X amount before retirement.(there is a comment from Cortana above)

Does any one have experience demonstrating whether the rates obtained by Moneypark (or any advisor) is better or worse than the ones you get when negotiating alone ?
I would consider paying 500 chf for saving my time and getting a few offers but not if I get worse offers.

They say they work with 100 different banks, pension funds and insurances, but count each Raffeisen branch individually lol. So in reality they don’t check that many institutions. Plus the MP employer won’t contact all the banks and focus on those he has good relationships with.

I know this because one of my best friends works at Moneypark.


Thank you, very valuable insight.

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Thanks for this post. Does anyone know if banks accept pledge of 3rd pillar for the 10% as opposed to withdrawl and cash payment? I asked UBS a while back and the advisor said that with them it had to be withdrawl and cash payment. I am not convinced the advisor truly knew for sure

I did a simulation with UBS recently and it included a max mortgage simulation for which I only had to provide 16% cash instead of 20% the missing 4% being pledged from the 3rd pillar so yes it is possible but it all depends on your capacity to pay the interests of the mortgage at 5%. If you pledge with UBS though you have to have the 3rd pillar with them, they do not accept external 3rd pillars as pledge.

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I asked a similar question here recently, maybe it helps.

This is possible and I am using the same approach (pledged existing Pillar 3A accounts) for my mortgage with UBS.

bump up.

I’ve had a session with moneypark where they explained how they are the best on the market.
Can I have an opinion of the mustachians to see if this is true?

they also expect 980 CHF upfront for “the service” and estimating values of future objects, etc…
What do you guys think?

I would try Key4 first, because they are free.

Read the small written parts of their contracts. If you don’t close the deal with them, they give you a 2500-3000 CHF penalty and things like that.


I would also check a free one first like

And if going with moneypark, probably go through neon for half price: Mortgages with MoneyPark

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I was checking valuu before (they belong to PostFinance) and somehow they always came up with a PF mortgage to be the cheapest.

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Thanks. I’m not with NEON yet, I understand I’d need to transfer there to have this. Probably not worth for buying property (it’s peanuts value, compared to buying a house).

Key4 seems like a masked sales vehicle for UBS business, really. I requested a standard offer, zero details, on fixed-term mortgages there are no competitors (single offer).

1 Like currently shows an offers a saron mortgage for 0.53% for a 800k mortgage on a 1M house.

You need to reduce the mortgage to 700k over a period of 15 years.

I just bought a house (few weeks ago) and also used for comparison. You pay something like 124 CHF.- upfront and that is it. You enter all your information and then they show you all offers. The cheapest was swisscanto with 0,42% for SARON with pledged 3a. However, I went with 0,53% SARON with Graubündner Kantonalbank.

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I have done some renovations work in my house in the past years and now that I need to renew my mortgage I would like the bank to loan me 80% of the current real value of the property.
The house is now worth about 1’000k and the mortgage is 630k so I want to negotiate with a bank to increase the mortgage to at least 800k. I will use this additional money to invest on ETF’s.

Does anybody knows if this is possible? Any tips on how I can make this work?


Banks usually lend up to 80%, but not on first deed. Also, your mortgage deed needs to be for that amount, which may not be (likely only for the original 630k), so you’ll need to go see a notary to have it changed.