Bitcoin Saving Plan ("Sparplan")

I thought the same two years ago, but I have change my mind.

Currently, a lot of altcoins are better (anonymity, faster transaction, ect) than bitcoin.
People trust Bitcoin due to a 10-year track record and the integration of Bitcoin with multiple platforms.
I also strongly think that ethereum will stay in the top. A lot of altcoins are built on ethereum techno and will the PoS a lot of issues are/will be solved.

It can happen as we have seen with people moving from myspace to Facebook.

With the power of neuro-marketing we have today (election influence and so on), it’s highly possible that one big company successfully make the move to sell/persuade the idea and that enough people jump the bandwagon to convince the rest of them to follow.

Maybe not tomorrow, but within 5 to 10 year I think it is more than probable.

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Ethereum is here to last at least for a while and its growth potential is probably multiple times bigger than BTC’s. But I think the path to achieve its goal is far longer and riskier than the latter.

In the Bitcoin’s market we are currently mostly fighting to decide if it will become a true store of value or not and that’s mostly it. Don’t know how long it will take but if (big IF here) it succeeds we can expect the price to go anywhere from 100K to 400K (400K would be one of these extreme cases in which BTC would reach Gold’s marketcap). Other altcoins might be and will be better of course but I find it really hard to imagine an other one replacing its position as THE e-store of value. BTC is not only the first mover but most importantly the most trustless and censorship resistant you could get. And its unmatched and ever growing network effects is only strengthening its position as price and time goes by.

With ETH the goal is basically to become the backbone of the new internet; its economic bandwidth. But it’s still unsure to what extent do we really need a permissionnless economy. And it’s also unclear if Ethereum will be really able to scale to this point. It’s a long shot, but the reward could be huge if it succeeds.


So it’s pretty much like gold.
Just less shiny.

Granted, the number of shiny metals and metal alloys that are potential alternatives to gold for use in jewellery is certainly lower then the number of possible blockchains that could be started. But still
 90% of gold consumption is used for jewellery and investments - only about a tenth is used industrially. Likewise, a tiny amount of Bitcoin is used for payment transactions - the rest is just invested.

Still, demand and the value attributed to Gold have been remarkably steadfast.

I second this. Unfortunately I have also only recently changed my mind, not two years ago. While Bitcoin might not be the most advanced or efficient coin, it’s most widely known, used and accepted.

If I had to invest in cryptocurrency (actually
 I do), I am not going to invest in anything else than BTC and ETH for the moment. These are the two that I’d consider most likely to be and stay relevant.

The two seem mutually exclusive to me. Gold is used because it’s considered a safe store of value, a 2% chance every year to have your bullion disappear into thin air doesn’t sound “safe” to me (but maybe enough other investors don’t share my values that Bitcoin could indeed become digital gold, though I doubt it).

Yes, and at that time, access to the designated crypto(s) will have been made widely available, the volativity question will have been handled and those who have stayed out until then will be painlessly handholded into the new system. That won’t cost them a lot, they just won’t have taken the risk, nor the profits, that led there. Sounds good enough for me.

The current run to Bitcoin shows a lot of FOMO in my opinion, many people are in for the quick profits. It will need something more to make it a sustainable asset. I’m not saying it can’t or won’t get there, but I’m saying that, if getting in now has the potential for profits, it also carries a considerable amount of risk. Those who won’t loose are those who got in early (huge gains) and those who are waiting for the system to stabilize (painless transition from one world to the other). Those who got in in between have to juggle with the risk.

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Well, one has been used for millenia the other for 12 years :slight_smile:

It’s also not comparable since the other metals don’t necessarily have the same properties, while bitcoin can be forked to infinity, only faith of the believers and the core devs stranglehold prevents it (in practice for a distributed system, how many people actually decides how it changes, users have no say only miners do and there’s not that many large ones).

Faith can come and go as the south sea investors experienced :slight_smile: (which includes very smart people like Newton).

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It has already been forked a lot of times. But who cares since there is only one original Bitcoin blockchain? A simple fork could not recreate its network effects only by itself. And I don’t think the users will accept it without a really good reason to justify the fork in the first place.

12 years of existence is small indeed compared to Gold. But it has been 12 years of lifetime during which it has been resistant to a shit tons of attacks 24/7. Imho it is quite a feat.

But your e-bullion would probably only disappear into thin air by your own “mismanipulation”.

A few other feats vs Gold:

  • You can’t counterfeit BTC. If you receive some BTC in your BTC address, it is BTC. Punkt, transaction done. On the other hand, how would you know that the bullion I’m handing to you is real or not?
  • BTC is highly divisible.
  • You live in a shitty country and want to get the fuck out? Not a problem to cross a boarder with BTC. But good luck passing one unnoticed with your metals in your jacket.

It disappears into thin air only if you don’t take the right decisions.
If you keep your gold bars in your house and you are burgled, you will lose them (unless you are insured). Same if you have hidden your gold bars somewhere. you don’t tell anyone and you died.
Does that mean that gold is not a safe store of value?

Each year, billions of dollars are unclaimed in banks. I don’t know if 2% is the right figure, but it seems reasonable for BTC.

(The gold market could face major risk if new mines with a lot of gold are discovered or if we are able to extract gold from an asteroid or planet)

This will obviously not happen over night due to the intersubjective believe which gives value to things link gold or bitcoin.

Today a client asked me how she can buy bitcoin. 70yo, retired, never invested in anything.

I think this is the point where you should leave the ship before it sinks.


Or it’s the sign that bitcoin is finally going mainstream :wink: /s
They didn’t also ask about tesla?

(It does smell like 2017 again, isn’t it?)


Or she’s fallen prey to a scam and need the bitcoins to pay the blackmailer?

Thanks for the data point, it does indeed feel like the money that could get in is quickly fully getting in. We’ll see how that goes.

Why not using SwissQuote? 1% fee when buying and selling. Since you are hodling it, just buy on monthly or quaterly basis.

You can even transfer your assets on a personal wallet (offline/online wallet). I just started to replace my TQQQ with BTC.

I guess for existing SQ users that is indeed a good option. For those not yet with SQ, I do not think it’s worth to join just for the BTC-purchases.

That aside I initially looked for automatic purchases, but I now realize that it might be cheaper fee-wise to simply execute the purchases myself on a regular basis.

I wouldn’t trade on such (arguably funny) market signals. Similar to VT, people should think about some % of crypto asset allocation and then manage things purely through reallocation (if at all). In my case, I decided to go for 1% 
 low enough to not worry too much but high enough to be happy if the upside cases turn out to be true (some people estimate another 20-30x from here).


I’ve allowed myself up to max 5% of “liquid” NW - meaning that I will sell if it crosses that threshold.
But I am not buying any more since way back in 2017 (just did some within-crypto rebalancing since).
Back then I got in with the mindset that I won’t care if it goes to 0; if it skyrockets, great.
It was (and still is mostly) a pure gamble for me.

Yes, that makes sense. I also limit myself to btc and eth - since I don’t want to gamble on niche coins but rather speculate on institutional buyers (they will certainly start with the most liquid coins).

I agree with you. I did the same, 1% of my investments in crypto. I bought BTC, ETH, LTC and XRP. The biggest market cap.

This week I sold the XRP because all the noise around it.

Now I have a 1.7% of my NW in crypto because the insane up. As usual, I’m thinking
 why I didn’t go for a 5% of my NW one year ago ? :joy:

Hello Guys,
I want to revamp a bit this topic.

I would like to enter in the Crypto game (too dangerous for me to call it investment
) with super tiny amounts invested with the highest frequency possible, hopefully daily or max weekly. Second topic is to invest the same amount in BTC and ETH, hoping to get inverted correlation (now they have 1Y correlation of 0.64, so not necessarely so high).
Ideally, I would like to invest 1 CHF/day (yes, only ONE) on BTC and 1 CHF/day on ETH. In case of weekly purchase, I will then go for 7 CHF/week per each BTC/ETH

Looking at the various possibilities available, Revolut seems to me the best candidate. This because with the “Standard” plan (0 GBP/month) it is having “only” 2.5% of Cryptocurrencies exchange fee. No fiex cost for each transaction seems to be there.

I would like to get your feedback on this idea, taking into account that from when this topic was created many things changed (among other changes, for example, now there are ETF/ETN directly coupled with crypto).
Any other additional proposal that could fit with the initial hypothesis given above (super tiny investements, high frequency, both BTC and ETH) is very welcome.

Many thanks in advance.

You should maybe consider to DCA your « gamble » on BTC and ETH on a monthly basis instead of a daily one.

Personally , I use the SwissBorg App and put every month CHF 300.- to purchase for CHF 100.- of BTC/ETH/CHSB.

I started in May (at the end of the ATH, but still really high) and I am positive since the end of August :slight_smile:

The volatility is high, losing 10-20% is something normal. But you don’t feel it like this when you are not in the « game » and you need some times to adapt (it took me 3 months :joy:)

For high frequency I would suggest Binance or Kraken because of the fees. Not sure of they accept tiny investment like this. Although I’ve never used them.

Otherwise: SwissBorg (the App is setup for a wealth management instead of a daily trading platform).

Fees on SwissBorg are « high » in comparison to Binance or Kraken: 1% (or 0.75% if you get the community premium).

If you want to trade with a swiss bank, take a look with Swissquote.

And if you want a company listed on the stock exchange: Coinbase.