Basel FI(RE)-Meetup [ AKA Multinational FIRE-Meetup in the Dreyeckland đŸ„š]

If the Basel Meetup were a band, it would’ve evolved from previously playing in half full small clubs to playing a sold out show in a medium sized concert venue yesterday. :wink::sweat_smile::guitar:

Thanks for coming everybody, was cool to hang out!

PS and big thank you to the lead singer organiser @NicoFireDoc !


Warm thanks to everyone who made yesterday’s 4th Basel :fire:FIRE-Meetup at KLARA 13 AG such an unforgettable experience! With a record-breaking 19 participants representing 11 different nationalities :earth_africa: we absolutely smashed the attendance record! (Maybe even the one from my days organizing the Bern FIRE-Meetups :wink: ) 
 we even had to pull extra chairs and tables to accommodate the growing crowd—proof that FIRE is alive and thriving in Basel!

From the very moment the first of you arrived, the atmosphere was already warm and lively. It was great to reconnect with familiar faces (some I hadn’t seen in over a year!) and welcome so many newcomers—some traveling from Bern, Biel but also from as far as London, and even Toulouse in the south of France!

(Not all attendees shown on the photos)

After a warm welcome and introductions, we split into two flexible groups to facilitate deeper discussions: one table focused on real estate while the other delved into stocks and ETFs, with our “tax experts” helping out on either side. As always, participants were encouraged to move around, mingle, and dive into a wide range of topics, all while enjoying some delicious food from the nearby food stands (the shrimp spring rolls with peanut sauce from Non Là were a hit! :slight_smile:).

From the lucky fews who FIRE’d already, to young professionals just starting out on their FIRE-Journey; we had various professions ranging from big pharma executives, software engineers,medical doctor and data analysts to professional hockeyplayer and asset managers!

The topics discussed too, were as diverse as ever:

  • From managing rental properties in Paris and Saint-Louis to bold plans for flipping land in Jura.
  • We discussed the concept of “Socio-Financial Insanity” i.e. "spending money that you don’t have, to buy stuff that you don’t need, to impress people that you don’t know/don’t care about you ". A catchphrase coined by the ever-creative Matthias AKA “Financial Imagineer.”
  • International FIRE Strategies: we discussed moving across borders for tax and lifestyle optimization, navigating Swiss real estate, and the pros and cons of financial independence in France, the UK,Hong Kong and Singapore.
  • Personal Experiences: From FIRE at 37 to managing the kids’ financial education, our seasoned members generously shared their lessons learned, sparking engaging debates and their fair share of laughter. :blush:

All in all, whether it was hearing about the poignant testimony of one canton-crossing attendee whose overexposure to the Nasdaq 100 made Monday’s market “dip” particularly sobering, investing in niche assets, revealing the hidden secret of swiss money using AR, or hearing about hockey players turned landlords, the evening was full of entertaining surprises!

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the vibrant discussions, especially those who traveled long distances to join us. :pray:
(Special shoutout to the attendee from Toulouse who sought tips on organizing his own FIRE meetups back home—proving that the spirit of financial independence is contagious!)

Until next time, stay on FIRE :fire:
 but stay cool!




Hey Nico, it was wonderful once again!

Thanks for organizing and see you next time


Hi there! Just came across this and would love to join the next! Look forward to another such meet-up

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Hi everyone,

this is Mihai from Bern and I just noticed the Fire Meetup in Bern and from there was told about the one in Basel and how engaging it can be.
Would also like to learn more and take part in the next event (provided I’m around, my job sends me on customer visits outside the country at times).

Will keep monitoring the posts here and if later I get lucky with the WhatsApp group then all the better.

Thank you!

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Hey everyone, :wave:
You guys know the drill by now, here’s the Doodle for the :five:th Basel FIRE-Meetup.

Please fill all the dates that can work for you :slight_smile:

