99% Initiative September 2021

Lol what a campaign :sweat_smile:

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For anybody that thinks circumstance in life do not matter, I recommend this comic about the Elan school https://elan.school/

A cautionary tale about what happens when education is not properly regulated by the state…

Lol, the gold bars in the background are a nice touch. Some people have it better than you? Are you not (yet) affected by the proposed law? Then vote yes!


So if a woman gets pregnant because e.g. the pill did not work and she knows that she can’t afford a child if her husband leaves her, should she get an abortion in your opinion?

What if her husband leaves her and moves to another country not paying any alimony, is this also a wrong decision on her side?

Equating children with a house, Lamborghini or a motor yacht? Things one should buy by oneself?

Strange analogy. It doesn’t make sense.


As you said yourself numerous times:


:point_right:t2: Why should a mother “bear consequences” and pay for other people (her children)?
:point_right:t2: And why should a child be entitled to its mother paying for it and fixing its problems?

I mean, nobody should be entitled to receive anything from anyone, should he?

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A child isn’t “some( )thing” that creates bills someone needs to be footing.

It’s a person.

I’m establishing that you are ok with some people having a duty for (some) other people to take responsibility for, support and ultimately pay for them.

Broadening that concept, many people think that most people have a duty to take responsibility and support certain other people financially.

That’s why they created AHV/AVS, social insurance, welfare benefits and taxation.

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Not really. She literally can’t stop childbirth once she’s pregnant. It will literally pop out eventually. Becoming pregnant is just a by-product, an often unintended consequence of having had sexual intercourse. Some women become pregnant as a result of their sexual partner sabotaging contraceptive methods (removing the condom) or even being raped without “signing up” for anything.

Neither did a child sign up to anything such.

Nevertheless you claim it to be entitled to support from someone else (and we’re talking dozens if not hundreds of thousands of Francs here).

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Only education is already about 330’000 franks until Matura, university (done in 5 years) another 175’000.
Bildungsausgaben pro Kopf | Bundesamt für Statistik (admin.ch)

The second most common family structure was a single-parent household at 15.5%. Some 143,000 single-parent households were managed by mothers with children under 25 years old compared to 28,800 by fathers. – source

I am pretty sure those 143,000 and 28,800 probably didn’t sign up to take care of their children alone. There could be a death, or more commonly the other party just left the other person, sometimes completely dry of any financial support (Probably one of those libertarian that doesn’t want to pay for others… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

The state has a duty to step in for the well being of the child and parent.

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Wow… Do you know how hard (emotionally) it is for a woman to abort a child? This can be a burden for the rest of their life, some even don’t get over it after years of psychological treatment. You seem to ignore the emotional aspect in your considerations, only cold-hearted calculations…

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The morning-after pill works the next morning, however you won’t know the next morning if the pill was not reliable, you’ll only notice once you don’t get your period and then it’s too late for anything except an abortion. Also woman don’t notice when the condom breaks, so if the partner lies about it, the girl will only notice once she doesn’t get her period.

damn dude you sound so f up in your brain.
You use childish examples by comparing Lamborghini to human being, ignore any rational fact given to you, and insist with a mindset that is only reasonable to you.

You know that joke of the dude on the highway that hears the news about a dangerous driver driving in the wrong direction, and he goes like “one? there are hundreds!”. voilá

You must be perfect according to your standard or just a troll who feels good to be like this.


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And yet the both kids of my friend and his wife (a doctor) were unplanned. Just wanted to let you know I really disagree with you on this, but I don’t feel like discussing such a polarizing topic.

I completel disagree.


Where do you derive that from - given that you’re otherwise violently opposed to anyone and society having a duty of care towards anyone else?

Equating children to contractually bought, sold or rented items is at least a consistent justification - but one that many people would object to based on their own moral views.

Also, why - arbitrarily - stop at legal age? Parents and their choices can impede their children’s ability to take their life into their own hands well beyond that 18-year time limit. Parents’ choices can mess up a child’s future for much longer. A traumatising childhood or being prevent from learning how to read and write is enough. Shouldn’t they have a duty to at least pay for their children even longer?

That is easily said from the comfort of your keyboard in front of the computer, as (I suppose) a childless male?

Switzerland has a fertility rate of around 1.5 today - well below replacement level for the population.

Squarely and wholly putting the burden of costs of a child on single parents alone, without social transfers, would discourage people from getting children even more and crush that fertility even more.

In practical terms, the Swiss would practically die out over the course of a couple of generations.


That’s like saying not getting vaccinated and then getting corona is a result of one owns action and I think people must take responsibility for their own actions (e.g. an IC bed to steal for a person that needs it more and followed social obligations). But I’m diverting.

Another thread to mute :slight_smile:


I paid a health insurance in exchange of transferring that risk to them and as a result, I have the same right to an IC bed as everyone else. That’s how insurances work, not only health insurance but also liability insurance for example. There is still no contradiction.

So, let me get this right. You pay X to your health insurance per year and you think is ok that you take back or more?
The scenarios are 2:

  1. at the end of the year you might had 0 medical cost, therefor paid money for your premium for no reason ( which are used by the health insurance to pay other costs)
  2. at the end of the year you might have paid 100k medical cost, which exceed how much you paid in premium, and the money comes from somewhere else

So if I pay AHV/IV… ? I am a burden…? but you can be with other people money cause you are afraid of a needle in your arm?

I wanna see one of your amazing answer ignoring stuff and talking about a Lamborghini.

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@MrCheese @danfaiz

It is possible to ignore forum members in your profile.

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