3A life insurance for indirect amortization?

Better to make a 3b insurance just for the risk part with SwissLife for example.

The problem with insurances that they have binding agreements - you cannot get our easily without paying early exit fee (at least this is how it was 4 years ago when we were buying our house and were assessing this option )

Is the reevaluation something the bank will do automatically when extending the mortgage? I‘m currently in a non stock indirect amortization 3a with my bank who gave the mortgage. And I also think the valuation is now closer to 1m than to the original 850k.

The reevaluation will only take place if you make a risk-increasing adjustment to the mortgage. Examples:

  • Increasing mortgage for whatever reason.
  • Remove a pledged 3a account.
  • Remove amortization.

Last thing would only be possible if a reevaluation leads to a point where the mortgage makes up 67% or less of the current value. @OogieBoogie is a good example of that. Bought his house in 2010 for 700k with 200k in own assets and now it’s worth 1000k. Technically he is at 50% now and isn’t required anymore to amortize or pledge anything. He could even increase the mortgage again to 67% / 670k and use the money for whatever he wants, like buying stocks.


So who would start that re-evaluation me or the bank? I would really like to move my 3a to VIAC so I can invest it.

I’ve seen a couple of threads of people asking about direct vs indirect amortization.

I’ve found (and used) this online tool https://www.slfrutigen.ch/slf/services/rechner/amortisations-rechner

It allows to put in all the details of your situation, number of mortages, amount, interest rate, and also the city you live in, and then calculates which solution is better for you, direct or indirect (based also on the taxes of your city).
I didn’t check if it’s accurate though (I mean, to do it I’d need to re-create the tool myself).
But I used it and I recommend it.

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